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9 Ways to Find Affordable Fitness Care When You're Uninsured


Fitness and exercise are extremely important, especially as you age, but maintaining your health can be costly. If you’re self-employed or don’t have insurance, you might not be able to afford the gym that you want to join or the special equipment that will help you get into shape faster. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to achieve your fitness goals without spending too much money on getting there. Here are nine suggestions for finding affordable fitness care when you’re uninsured or underinsured.

If you’re looking to maximize your fitness, it’s important to have access to the most affordable fitness care possible. Unfortunately, if you don’t have insurance, this can be difficult to obtain. In fact, healthcare costs overall in the U.S. are higher than in many other developed countries, but with these 9 ways to find affordable fitness care when you’re uninsured, you’ll find some simple ways to get the help you need without breaking the bank!


1) Consider Team Training

Consider team training, or what's also called group fitness. Many gyms and fitness centers offer free or inexpensive memberships for organizations that want to bring a team together. Work with the coach at your gym and see if he or she is willing to help put together a workout plan that would work for you and other members of your organization. If not, ask the coach if he or she knows of anyone who might be able to provide this service.


2) Consider Coaching

Fitness and Exercise Coaching is a great way to get started with fitness care. A fitness coach will work with you on personalized fitness care and weight management plans, accountability for your goal, designing exercise programs and evaluating progress. Plus, a lot of times your employer or health insurance provider will pay for at least some of the cost.


3) Use eBooks

EBooks are a great way to explore new options when it comes to fitness and exercise. They come in many formats - PDF, MP3, video - so that you can pick the format that is most convenient for you. They are also a more budget-friendly option, with most costing less than $5! Here are some of my favorite books about fitness:

*8 Minute Exercise Workouts by Caley Cook has you spending just 8 minutes working out a day and doing so without equipment at all. This book is perfect for those on-the-go or those who live in tight spaces and want something they can squeeze into their busy day.


4) Try Free Workouts

Try some free workouts, like walking or riding a bike, in your spare time. These are great options for people who have physical limitations or have been advised by their doctor not to engage in certain types of activity. And when you don't work out consistently, those things aren't worth risking! Another inexpensive option is strength training. There are a lot of different exercises you can do using your own body weight and minimal cost. One really affordable option is plyometrics which includes jump squats, push-ups and burpees. Or try yoga or pilates - these two workouts will help strengthen your core as well as improve flexibility and balance.


5) Offer It As a Bonus

These exercises can be done at home for little to no cost, as well. If you have room in your budget, I recommend a personal trainer. For people who are just getting started with exercise and need some guidance, hiring a professional is the best way to get started.


6) Ask For Referrals

How can you find affordable fitness care if you don't have insurance? Ask friends and family who exercise for advice. The more people you talk to, the better your chances of finding a discounted place near you.

It may take some time, but it'll be worth it when you find a trainer that's the right fit for your budget.


7) Use ClassPass

Although gyms are the most common and well-known way of maintaining a consistent fitness routine, they can also be one of the most expensive ways. What's worse is that many don't offer discount memberships when you're on an alternative form of health insurance, such as Medicaid or CHIP. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can find affordable fitness care without insurance. Chances are someone in your network has tried out their local gym or outdoor running club and can share their experiences with you for free (or will at least pay for your first few months). From there, it may be worth looking into less traditional options.


8) Don't Be Afraid To Ask for Discounts

Many facilities offer discounts to uninsured members if they sign up for a certain number of sessions. It's also worth asking if the trainer or facility would be willing to work with you on pricing, especially if you'll be purchasing a contract in installments. Although it may seem difficult and degrading, try talking to people who use the services regularly and see what they have done in your situation. If necessary, ask a financial counselor at your local hospital or health clinic for advice on finding affordable fitness care without insurance. They may know of some providers that are more accommodating or will meet you where you are at financially without pushing too hard for an immediate commitment. In these cases, make sure you get everything in writing before signing anything so that there's no confusion when payments come due each month.


9) Get Insurance Through a Family Member

One way to find affordable health care is by getting it through a family member. While this may not be an option for some people, there are many instances where the best option is getting your healthcare through someone else's health insurance. For example, if you have kids, but they are old enough to be covered under their own insurance, or if you want to live in a state that has expanded Medicaid coverage and your partner's income makes you eligible for it. If you don't know who the best candidate for this type of arrangement is and need help finding one - then an online medical biller might be able to help.


Fitness and exercise are vital to healthy living, and it’s important to find a way to stay active and fit even if you’re uninsured. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to locate reasonably-priced fitness care when you don’t have health insurance coverage. This guide will help you figure out how to find affordable fitness care without insurance so that you can get the best possible physical condition, in spite of your lack of insurance coverage.
