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5 Auto Insurance Add-Ons That May Keep You Afloat All Through Floods



Auto insurance companies offer many types of add-ons that you can choose to pay extra for as part of your coverage plan. Although some add-ons are unnecessary, others can be worth the additional cost if you think you might ever need them down the road. Here are five auto insurance add-ons that may keep you afloat all through floods, so you can focus on more important things in life than worrying about how to get your car fixed or replaced after an accident occurs.

Auto insurance can cover most of the costs when your car is damaged in an accident, but it may not cover all of the damage if you were found to be at fault. Here are five auto insurance add-ons that may keep you afloat all through floods, regardless of who was at fault.


1) Buy Additional Liability Coverage

You may want to purchase additional liability coverage, which is used to protect you if you hit someone with your car. The average cost of this add-on ranges from $100-$600 per year. This coverage will help pay for the other person's medical bills and property damage if you are found liable for the accident. For example, a teenage driver who crashes into another vehicle would have a smaller financial responsibility with auto insurance than if he did not have any. Parents may consider purchasing this type of coverage for their teenage drivers or cars with the most costly repairs.

Additionally, some states require drivers to purchase this as an option in order to maintain a car license and insurance policy. Make sure that you have enough coverage: Consider adding collision and comprehensive coverage to ensure that your car is adequately protected. Collision insurance covers damages caused by collisions with another object while comprehensive pays for damages from incidents such as hail storms, vandalism, floods, fire or theft. While it can be more expensive upfront, collision protection can help get back on the road faster after an accident because it offers a guarantee that the owner can afford full value for his/her vehicle even after a crash has occurred. Comprehensive insurance helps keep people insured during times when weather conditions could harm vehicles like rainstorms or hurricanes.


2) Purchase Underinsured Motorist Protection

Purchasing an underinsured motorist protection (UIM) will help with liability in the event of a car accident. If you have no uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage and are involved in an accident where one of the drivers does not have enough insurance to cover your expenses, then you may be required to go after their assets in order to reimburse yourself for damages. This is a very serious concern and UIM coverage is the best way to protect yourself against this situation. Purchasing UIM coverage will help you avoid putting your family's finances at risk by ensuring that if an accident happens and another driver has insufficient or no insurance, you will be able to afford any necessary medical treatments and property damage repairs.


3) Buy Collision and Comprehensive on New Vehicles

Purchasing collision and comprehensive on new vehicles not only ensures you will be covered if your car sustains an accident or significant damage, but also may lower your monthly payments. Collision coverage is included in most insurance plans these days, but if not, it can easily be added at the time of purchase. Comprehensive insurance covers your vehicle against unexpected events like theft, weather damage and vandalism that are not caused by accidents.

However, while this is definitely a benefit to purchase with your auto insurance package, it doesn't mean you should take out additional comprehensive insurance with separate companies as well. Some policies provide this as a loaded premium without asking for an additional amount - so check before buying anything more than what's required from your current provider.


4) Enroll in Rental Reimbursement

Enrolling in Rental Reimbursement is a peace of mind worth having. With this add-on, your auto insurance provider will reimburse you for a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired or while it sits in storage if it was damaged by an incident not covered by the policy. For example, if you have collision coverage and need to fix your cracked windshield and dent that occurred during a hail storm, but you're worried about going into debt because of the high cost of repairs, then you would have this safety net to fall back on. This could also be helpful for those who are waiting for their insurance company to give them estimates for repair work that needs to be done on their car following an accident with another driver. It's important to note that when enrolling in this add-on, drivers should notify their insurer before getting a new lease so they can approve the agreement first.


5) Obtain Roadside Assistance

Having Roadside Assistance on your policy may be a good idea in case of emergencies that arise from the roadway. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and will help you with any roadside problems such as changing a tire, providing gas, or towing your vehicle. If your car is stolen, for example, Roadside Assistance will reimburse you up to $50 for transportation expenses up to 200 miles. There are two different kinds of roadside assistance plans - basic or premier. Basic roadside assistance covers just the basics but premier provides extra benefits such as protection against flat tires and locksmith service if you lock yourself out of your car. Premier also offers discounts on rental cars, international travel services and some other automotive needs. Premium roadside assistance also includes discounts at certain car washes nationwide. Consider Mobile Phone Protection: When it comes to phone insurance there are a few different options to choose from including Wireless Connection Protection which costs about 5 dollars per month and offers reimbursement for monthly device access charges. It also includes up to 3 months of coverage for loss or theft of an activated device so long as the owner reports it within 12 hours after noticing the loss or theft.


Auto insurance is one of the most important products in your financial portfolio, and knowing how to choose the right policy for you can make all the difference when disaster strikes. Floods are one of the most common sources of damage that can sink even the most prepared households, but certain auto insurance add-ons may help you keep your head above water if flood-related disaster strikes near you. Here are five add-ons you should consider when adding coverage to your auto insurance policy.
